Salvage Editions

Radical writing from Verso Books and Salvage

Salvage Editions is a new collaboration between Verso Books and Salvage. Edited by the Salvage Collective, the series will publish writers the editors admire on various topics. Some of these interventions will be newly written; others will extend and develop arguments initially published in Salvage. As with Salvage’s short-form publishing, the aim for the books in this series is that they intervene in the key theoretical and political questions thrown up by our moment in ways both politically incisive and stylistically ambitious and engaged. The Salvage Collective does not believe, put simply, that radical writing should not also strive for beauty.

Salvage is the most exciting journal to appear on the anglophone left over the past decade: avant-garde Marxism with no illusions, perfectly pitched to our dismal times.”
– Andreas Malm, author of How to Blow Up a Pipeline

Salvage is doubtless the most beautiful and exciting journal I have seen in years. I knew of its excellent reputation, but it exceeds my expectations. I am very happy and proud of belonging to the list of its contributors.”
– Enzo Traverso, author of Left-Wing Melancholia