Reading List

Understanding the Cost of Living Crisis


The response to the global inflation surge by governments, especially in the UK, has been disastrous for working people. Pushing up interest rates, attempting to keep pay rises down, and trying to cut pensions and other benefits, has exacerbated the devastating cost-of-living crisis.

This reading list explores the deeper roots of the crisis,  and the basic steps we can take to build a future that ensures economic stability, wage increases, and worker security.

A myth-busting pamphlet that charts a course out of the current cost of living crisis.


Neoliberalism is dying, but its replacement is not yet born. The direction of politics over the coming years is not certain, and the left will have to win not only the political fight, but also the battle of ideas.

How did Britain’s economy become a bastion of inequality?

A trenchant look at contemporary capitalism’s insatiable appetite - and a rallying cry for everyone who wants to stop it from devouring our world.

There are no unorganisable workers, only workers yet to be organised.

A plan to save the earth and bring the good life to all.

A strategic guide to building a more democratic and egalitarian future.

All hail the new masters of Capitalism: How asset managers acquired the world.

We need to break free from the capitalist economy. Degrowth gives us the tools to bend its bars.

What is care and who is paying for it?

A new perspective on the neoliberal world through the prism of rents and rentiers.

An anthology of long-read book reviews by one of the European left’s foremost political economists.

What is wrong with capitalism, and how can we change it?

As precarity and low pay become further embedded in the job market, at a time when work-related stress and exhaustion are endemic, it is clear that a new, radical approach to employment is required.

Free market, competitive capitalism is dead. The separation between politics and economics can no longer be sustained.

Taking as its inspiration the new wave of feminist militancy that has erupted globally, this manifesto makes a simple but powerful case: feminism shouldn’t start—or stop—with the drive to have women represented at the top of their professions. It must focus on those at the bottom, and fight for the world they deserve. And that means targeting capitalism. Feminism must be anticapitalist, eco-socialist and antiracist.

The Limits to Capital provides one of the best theoretical guides to the history and geography of capitalist development. In this edition, Harvey updates his seminal text with a substantial discussion of the turmoil in world markets today. Delving into concepts such as “fictitious capital” and “uneven geographical development,” Harvey takes the reader step by step through layers of crisis formation, beginning with Marx’s controversial argument concerning the falling rate of profit and closing with a timely foray into the geopolitical and geographical implications of Marx’s work.

 Contemporary capitalism produces more and more money, debt, and inequality. These three trends have a common cause: the privilege of private banks to create money by means of accounting—with the stroke of a key. Why was this privilege unaddressed politically for so long—and who benefited from that negligence? 

Where have we gone wrong, and what can we do about it?