Verso Monthly Round-Up: February 2023 Titles


In February we published 12 new books, including the latest in our Essential David Harvey series, a new adaptation of How To Blow Up A Pipeline (this time for kids), and an exploration of the state of 21st century architecture. Take a moment to get to know these exciting new titles in this month's round-up!

David Harvey tackles Marx's notebooks that have spawned wide-ranging and raging controversies.

An argument for bold action to halt climate destruction, adapted for young people from Andreas Malm’s best-selling book. (For readers ages 12+)

Acclaimed cultural history of Latin’s rise and fall.

A history of the Panthay Rebellion against the Chinese imperial court.

How workers fought for municipal socialism to make cities around the globe livable and democratic—and what the lessons are for today

Where have we gone wrong, and what can we do about it?

How to find dignity and a meaningful life in the modern city.

An urgent and passionate plea for a new and ecologically sustainable vision of the good life.

The story of the friends and allies of the Chinese Revolution.

The shocking story of the legal persecution of Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange.

The Hidden Rules of Architecture: how to build world-class, award winning, creative, innovative, sustainable, liveable and beautiful spaces that foster a sense of place and well being.

How Marcuse helps us understand the ecological crisis of the 21st century.